Bonneville Salt Flats Utah ('85) w/my 1969 Porsche 911s, 2.7 litre, 6 cyl, aircooled, mech fuel injection, 195hp. Kit installed to 1980 profile. |
Right here in the 1960's, jet powered vehicles and names like Craig Breedlove (600.6 mph) and Art Arfons (576.55 mph) captured the imagination of millions. In 1970, Gary Gabolich's rocket car, "Blue Flame", attained a spectacular 622.4 miles per hour.
Out on the Salt Flats after a 156mph run. |
Airborne Battlefield Command, Control Center (EC-130): 7ACCS ABCCC Battlestaff, Udorn Thailand (SEA) '72 (Vietnam Conflict) |
Me ...far left, (kneeling) 7ACCS, Hillsboro Orbit(daytime, Laos (Steel Tiger)) Position: Strike Controller/Operations NCO |
ABCCC Battlestaff capsule being loaded into EC-130 |
ABCCC Battlestaff capsule being loaded into EC-130 |
In front of ABCCC parked on flight line at Kessler AFB Mississippi '93 (Retired) Note: Desert Storm Camo. |
SAC Airborne Command Post "Looking Glass" (EC-135) (2ACCS, '73-'77) My position, right side far bulkead (Force Status/Emergency Actions Controller). |
SAC Airborne Command Post Battlestaff, Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebraska |
SAC ABNCP (EC-135) airborne "at a high altitude over the Midwestern United States" |
SAC Airborne Command Post (EC-135), taxiing, Offutt AFB, Nebraska |
Joint Task Force Bravo, Palmerola (later renamed Soto-Cano Air Base), Honduras, Central America - 1986 |
Radar Approach Control (RAPCON) Van at end of runway in background. Position: Sr. Enlisted Advisor, Air Force Forces
During the Contra-Sandinista conflict in Nicaragua.
http://www.ciponline.org/facts/soto.htm |
Last Flight on USCINCPAC "Blue Eagle" Hickam AFB, Hawaii ('92) (Wearing my 7ACCS, Vietnam Era, hat fm 20yrs earlier.) |
U.S. Commander in Chief Pacific (Navy Admiral) Airborne Command Post (EC-135) Position: Command Control (C2) Procedures Manager, Pacific/Battle Staff Emergency Actions Controller/Superintendant USCINCPAC Command Center/USCINCPAC IG Operations Inspector |
Offutt AFB flightline (National Emergency Airborne Command Post E-4B (JCS) in background) '94 |
SAC ABNCP 30YR Reunion '94 |
Back row, middle to right - Charlie Tedder, Al Buckles, Me |
My Boys: Joseph, Adam and Davide ('99) at Joseph's marriage to Karen Alvarado (Florida) |
(unfortunate photo discoloration on Adam's face, left) |
My Son Adam (8) & me, McDonald Observatory, West Texas (2000) |
My Son Adam (10) and me '02, West Texas |